I’m single. So very single. As in, I spend an abnormal amount of time with my parents type of single. I don’t know if it’s the writer, the romantic, or the introvert in me, but online dating has never appealed to me. I tried Tinder once, and deleted it quickly after downloading it – the first two men that popped up on my screen were 1. the friend of a guy I dated and 2. a guy I met in Vegas.

I blame my singleness on my consistent wanderlust attitude and my lack of interest in online dating, but according to a new study, I should be blaming my singleness on my…friends?

The study found that the way most people meet their significant others if through their friends and friends they have in common. So friends of mine – get on it.

Shortly after friends in common, people said they met their significant other in a social setting – out at a bar, a concert… I once knew someone who got asked out in a grocery store (that’s social, right?) Then there’s work. Well, sorry to break it to you mom and dad, but my current job only has one man and he’s not my type (as in married, with kids, and very “mature.”)

THEN, finally, is online dating. So not to break down all those love matches you met on tinder (hey, I know one!) or other online dating sites, but it’s proven that the old-fashioned way of meeting someone is the best way.

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