For some reason I can’t understand, some people don’t like cats. Why? No idea. I love cats. They are the perfect cuddler, they don’t bother you, and they can pretty much take care of themselves. They are also adorable, fluffy, sweet, and basically perfect… but that’s just my opinion. But for all those people who hold grudges against cats, I would reconsider those feeling. Can your dog help lower your stress and blood pressure?

Here are all the PROVEN health benefits from the vibrations in a cats purr:

1. Calming nerves
2. Decrease the symptoms of shortened breath in cats and humans
3. Lower blood pressure
4. Promoting bone strength
5. Healing muscle, tendon, and ligament injuries
6. Healing infections
7. And finally, cat owners are 40% less likely to get a heart attack

So go get yourself a kitten for your own health. Then bring it over to my house for me to play with.