As a redhead, I feel like I’ve been given the shorter end of the stick when it comes to getting sunburned. It’s simple – the sun is not my friend. When I was 13-years-old, I got a 3rd degree sunburn, and currently I have to tint my windows just so I’m protected when driving. Over the years, I’ve developed some neat and handy tricks to cure a sunburn right when it happens. For those of you like me – check it out!


1. Take a HOT shower (seems counter-intuitive, I know) the day you get a sunburn. When you get a sunburn, heat is trapped in your body. When you take a cold shower, the heat stays trapped inside and results in a more painful sunburn. But if you take a hot shower – you allow your body to release the heat so it can heal faster.
2. Real aloe from an aloe plant. Rubbing real and natural aloe against a sunburn (it will be sticky, I warm you) will help cure your sunburn overnight. It’s a miracle worker.
3 . Believe it or not – but certain foods applied to a burn can really help. My personal favorite to use are oatmeal and tea bags. When they are applied to the skin, it helps decrease swelling and allows the body to absorb it’s moisture.
4. If your sunburn itches, make sure to apply moisturizing lotion to it constantly. When your skin is burned, it becomes dehydrated – thus resulting in itchy skin.
5. And finally, like your skin, the sun makes you dehydrated. So drink up! The more hydrated you are – the more water your skin has to heal.

And if you want to know exactly what a sunburn is – check out my last article!


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