
You’ve probably heard the rumors, and I’m here to tell you, well… it’s true. There’s a worldwide Prosecco shortage and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Prosecco, the slightly more bubbly (and more delicious, if you ask me) version of champagne has seemed to be a recent hit among the US and UK in recent years. Roberto Cremonese, an export manager for Italian Prosecco-maker Bisol broke this horrible news during the London Wine Fair.

He told The Drinks Business,

“Last year’s harvest was very poor, and down by up to 50 [percent] in some parts, so there is a very real possibility of a global shortage. We’ll find out how big the problem is in August when the brokers release their stock. At the moment we don’t know how much Prosecco they’re holding on to.”

And if things couldn’t get worse than a Prosecco shortage, Cremonese also suggested that Prosecco prices may increase by at least 50% and Italian grape growers will add their wine prices as well.

So my fellow Prosecco lovers, go stock up before it’s too late.


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